Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Determine the best deal between two different computers Essay

Determine the best deal between two different computers - Essay Example Dell has its own pros and is an amazing product, but when it comes to buying a computer, Mac takes the first place because when compared to Dell it has more pros. There are many things I have discovered in my research and would like to share them all with you. First and foremost, let us consider the software used for both the computers. Since minority uses Mac, therefore most software manufacturing companies find it prolific to manufacture software that can be used on personal computers like Dell, rather than those that are used on Mac. For this reason, we can find a whole range of software for personal computers like Dell but we do have the luxury to choose software for Mac as well. There are many specialized software for Mac as well. People who are in some way linked with media find Mac better than Personal computers like Dell. Mac offers great technical support for such people. (, 2011) Also, the factor regarding price comes, and people argue that Mac is more expensive than personal computers like Dell. In this case, people only talk about the initial costs incurred. If we consider the price that Microsoft charges if the software is being used on more than one personal computer. Mac does not have any charges for client access on a server. (, 2011) Plus, there is quite some difference between the usage of Mac and Dell. Some argue that Mac is not as easy as personal computers like Dell. However, this is just a myth. Mac is as easy for usage as Dell or any other personal computer. Furthermore, Windows can run on Mac easily but no personal computer can run Mac natively. Some even say and have observed that Mac is way faster than the rest of the personal computers. (Make use of, 2009) Also, on personal computers there is a massive threat of viruses. On the other hand, the Personal Computers are recommended to have antivirus installed in them. Yet, it still gets virus and gets

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